Alanna Farmer Photography


Harbor’s Birth Story - Scripps Encinitas

Births don’t always go according to plan, but when they do, they’re amazing.

Megan and Matt met their midwife at Tree of Life Birth Center in Encinitas to check the progress of the labor and the position of their baby. With every wave of contraction, they knew they didn’t have to wait much longer. They made their way with their midwife and sister/doula to Scripps in Encinitas. After getting there and pausing for each contraction, they made it to their room. Everyone was calm, and everyone knew what they had to do.
So often the bed is the last place that a mom wants to be while laboring, and Megan was no different. When she found what was comfortable, she stayed and if she needed a change, she moved. As she labored through the night, her team was there helping her, comforting her, and supporting her. Before she knew it, her baby was here. Pulling her baby up to her chest, there was a calming moment, everything went according to plan. She birthed her baby her way.
Throughout their pregnancy, Megan and Matt wanted to keep the gender a surprise until the birth. Matt’s side of the family is all boys for multiple generations, so they couldn’t help but to think that their second baby would be a boy, just like their first. But their son thought differently, from the beginning he said it would be a girl. The time had finally come to see if it was another blessed boy or a beautiful baby girl. Megan’s reaction was everything, it was a girl! Megan kept saying, “he was right!!” Her little boy knew from the beginning that he was going to get a little sister.
After the doctor midwife and nurses left, they called their family letting them know that the baby was here, but they didn’t tell them that they had a little girl so they could see their reaction in person. Harbor, their new baby girl, nursed perfectly as their love for her grew.

I can’t wait for the next post of their Fresh 48 Session with the moment grandma and grandpa find out that they finally have a granddaughter!!

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